Best Friends
A best friend is someone to share your whole day with,
A best friend is someone to share your whole day with,
someone to wish a on a star,
A best friend is some one to laugh till your crying,
one with to walk very far,
A best friend is some one who won't tell your secrets,
A best friend is some body fair,
A best friend is some one to share your love trust,
A best friend is some one to make you happy,
when your blueA best friend is some one who teaches you things,
A best friend is some one who's always there for what ever you may need,
A best friend is some one true and real,
A best friend is some one who means a great deal,
A best friend won't hurt you,
A best friend won't lie,
A best friend will never permanatly say good bye,
A best friend is there though the good and bad times,
A best friend is there to cheer you up when your sad,
A best friend is always there with a shoulder to cry on,
A best friend is always there to rely onA best friend is some one who you love,
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
Best friends are there to listen when your depressed.
So my best friend if you ever need some one honest and true,
just remember I'll always be here for you
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