Get hugs of your own

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

setelah sekian lame berkubur akhirye me ingin menulis kembali my bolg..... bukan tak sudi tu menulis tapi entahlah me tak mood nak tulis jiwa kacau ....................actualy many thing happpen ade sedih  n ade yg gembira.... first thing kite cite pasal yg gembira k.actualy one mircle thing happen to me ,i found my bestfriends back after 6year .n mase tu me terlalu sedih...... hanye dia saje no what i feel...
hehehhehehehe...................now sorang2 kawan po kawen ... baru 2 ni dah 2 kwn po kawin sorang tu sarmila yg kawin dgn anak  najib.. by the way selamat pengatin baru sarmila.....n sorang lain khamisah hehehhe yg seronok ye gi dioramg kawin mase tulah dpt jumpe kekawan ... ade yg bawak anak  .... terase tua tibe2 bile anak kwn po panggil po untie.... dah tua rupe aku yek .wakakakkakakak..... takpe2 yg pasti aku mude lagi....perasaaan sungguh po ni kan.hehehhehehehe ..... actualy mama n papa po pun dah risau dgn po .....mane takye dah dua tahun camni be solo ..........awak tau tak ape yg papa po katpo yg buat po terharu"kakak ,u bukan kecik lagi n papa my b tak akan jaga u selamaye.n papa still risau dgn kakak until now ."n po maksud papa.bukan tak ade yg po suke but cant say anything...hehehheheh by the way life still go on.......thank papa 4 caring me,me love mama n papa.ade mase jeles gak tgk my friends semua berdua n po gak the  solo.....n ape2 event mostly po byk gi sorang2 nak ajak my sis semua dah study....n nak ajak my friends   diaorang ade agenda diaorang..... so i will b my stail solo....actualy po ape yg po nak kat sini...nak kate me jenis family org senang tak jugak  n nak kate jenis org susah pun tak jugak biasa je...tp mostly ape yg me nak dpt.....tp takdelah minta yg melampau 2. but one thing je yg po tak dpt sampai skrg love from someone special. semua org tak percaya in my ege i still solo.... tp tolonglah percaye sy still sololah  hhehehehehhehehe.
but po still happy koz me ade kerjaya ,ade happy family............................................
kenangan lama
jika ..
merombak pedih kenangan !
silam menit per menit...

itu masa laluku
lepas dan habislah !!!!!!
pergi !!
biarkan aku sepi..


sumpah ruah resah
dada yang sesak ..

tak abadi..
ini tak abadi...
aku lupa !
I WiltEnquire the the starwhat is going on by hatikusoul which is the no peace a period of/to changing agodo not willing to understandI start to moulder theuncared liver integrityI are missing by lovechallenge live to deny your existenceswoosh pittypat and anxiousfastening to sliver the jauhku left behindthat dark terisrat in a flashloss of me
if you accept I become your loverI will change and will try to changelike what you will..and I wish to eliminate my ego with you..and me will take care of you always..becoming your lover [is] a[n kebanggan for me...becoming matter which do not can have [by] others..[soul/ head] beer become to serveI let bell desisted..replying to moo apprehensively [of] liverme do not willing to [by] xselfme do not willing to be silentme do not willing to die..me wish bingar..replying to hope to be heard..my ear drum let to understanddegrading I am a houri..warbling I am a idyl..I feel have to patter dream..divorced [by] asa and a period of/to.I do not willing to wish to sorrow..have to with dusky night..hopefully I understand why my [by] xself..in pity open hurt my karna only human being...capable to feel silent sorrowful and perih..if I can give night a star..what undoubtedly can show peace of mind.kebenci with as silent as...what do not can realize factdischarging a moment burden and is tired [of] kebingngaan


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